Don’t miss out on the fun, be it an event, a party or some sport. We are always looking for ideas to entice you down, so if you have any suggestions please feel free to let me know at
Jazz Jam
Our best fantastic Jazz Jam is Wednesday 18th August If you are a musician, bring your instrument and play if a music lover come down and be entertained by some amazing Jazz Musicians for more details click here
Macmillan Coffee Morning
We will once again be hosting the annual Macmillan Coffee Morning at The Olive Tree on Friday 27th September 10:00am - 12:00noon. As in previous years, all money raised will be divided equally between Macmillan & TYAC (Teenagers & Young Adults with Cancer) unit at the RSCH. As not everyone … Continue reading
Pre ’90s breakfast meet
Bring your pre 1990s pride and joy down, bike or car (truck or fire engine come to that)! 9 to 11am It's the first one and it's short notice but hopefully a few can make it. We'll do another on September 29th then shelve it until the Spring. Free tea … Continue reading